Apple Watch 2 Rumored to Include Cellular Connectivity
The Wall Street Journal reports that Apple is working on including cell network connectivity and a faster processor in the next-generation Apple Watch.

All Apple Watch Apps Must Be Native Starting on June 1
Apple today informed developers that starting June 1, 2016, all watchOS apps submitted to the App Store must now be native apps built with the watchOS 2 SDK.

Apple Watch Sales Have Dropped Significantly, Analyst Says
Apple Watch sales are down 40% compared to the companies fiscal first quarter that ended in December.
This CoWatch Smartwatch Puts Amazon's Alexa on Your Wrist
A Chinese company launched a crowdfunding campaign for a watch they're calling the CoWatch, a new smart watch with an aim to put Alexa right on your wrist.

Samsung Announces Gear S2 Band Adapter to Allow for Quicker Band Swaps
In an effort to help Samsung Gear S2 owners chance the style of their bands quickly, Samsung has announced a new "band adapter" allowing users to more easily swap their bands on the Gear S2.

"What Ambient Apple Watch Faces Might Look Like"
Matt Birchler has written a post on how he thinks Apple could implement an always-on Apple Watch face

Reserve Strap' Suspends Shipments Due to Apple Watch Accessory Port Policy Change
Reserve Strap has just updated its customers on the status of the strap and it looks like nobody will be getting their Reserve Strap after all.

Apple Airs Seven New Apple Watch Ads
Apple has just uploaded six new Apple Watch ads to its YouTube channel, each running about 16 seconds long.

Rumor: 2016 Apple Watch Will Be An 'S' upgrade, Major Design Changes To Come In 2017
According to the well-sourced Apple analyst, Ming-Chi Kuo, this years Apple Watch is more likely to be an "S" upgrade with "spec improvements" and very little form factor design changes.

The Top 5 Apple Watch Games For April 2016
BTechHD has put together a nice little video highlighting his top 5 Apple Watch games for April 2016.

"A year after its launch, it’s now clear that pretty much no one needs an Apple Watch"
Sure nobody needs one, but guess what, nobody needs a lot of things. But make no mistake, we're always looking for something that makes our lives more convenient.

Rumor: Apple Watch 2 Predicted to Debut at WWDC, Will Be Up To 40% Thinner
The next-generation Apple Watch 2 is rumored to debut at WWDC this year and will be up to 40% thinner.

Fluent Research: Apple Watch A Year Later Is Popular
Fluent Research recently conduced an interview with over 2,500 American's nationwide and determined that the Apple Watch is nearly 8% of American's already own an Apple Watch.

Twelve South Announces 'TimePorter' Travel Case for Apple Watch
Twelve South today announced a new product designed for those of us with an Apple Watch who are always on the go. The TimePorter is described as a travel tote and portable charging stand.

You'll Be Able To Buy Separate Hermès Apple Watch Bands Beginning April 19
Apple today revealed and expansion to its Apple Watch Hermès collection today, with four new colors becoming available to buy separately starting April 19.

Fitbit CEO: Apple Watch 'Probably Does Too Much'
Speaking to the Telegraph, Park made some interesting comments about the Apple Watch saying that it does a bit too much.

Fixing the Side Button On The Apple Watch
The side button is pretty much completely useless other than for Apple Pay for me and so many folks I know who wear one.

"Fitbit Blaze is beating Apple Watch on Amazon"
Using Amazon as a barometer of how well the Apple Watch selling in relation to the Fitbit Blaze is not the right approach.

How Virgin Built Their Virgin Pulse Health Monitoring App
Rocket Insights, a software design agency, has recently partnered with Virgin Pulse to release an activity tracking app for the Apple Watch.

Feld & Volk Create the World’s First Carbon Fiber Apple Watch
Feld & Volk, known for creating over-the-top Apple accessories have just unveiled their very first Apple Watch design.

Open Band Is An Open Source Design For An Apple Watch Band
The Open Band project is a project by fast prototyping company, Breakfast, which a goal of creating an open source design for bands for the Apple Watch.

Samsung Gear S2 Gains iOS Support
The Samsung Gear S2, perhaps the best looking round smartwatch to date now officially works with iPhone's, so long that it's on Verizon.

Apple Seems To Be Downplaying The Apple Watch Edition
As noted by 9to5Mac, Apple has redone its Apple Watch page and seems to be downplaying the 18K Gold Apple Watch Edition.When you visit the new Watch page.