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Keep track of your subscriptions all in one place with SubManager. Built using the latest technologies and with a UI designed to feel right at home on Apple devices, SubManager is a subscription manager app allowing you to get notified in advance before a subscription is renewed. With the number of subscription services growing over time, an app like this is essential for keeping track of all the services you are subscribed to.

Features include:
- Track an unlimited number of subscriptions
- Get notified up to 30 days in advance
- Conversion of foreign subscriptions to your local currency
- Insights based on your subscriptions
- iCloud sync
- Home Screen and Lock Screen widgets
- Siri Shortcuts
- Full Apple Watch support
- Web app for viewing your iCloud data on any device
- No ads

Want even more? SubManager+ includes additional features as part of a one-time purchase and works across all your Apple devices. Features available on iOS include:
- Categories
- Payment Methods
- Price History
- Additional info in insights
- Archive your expired subscriptions
- Expiry notifications
- Store lifetime subscriptions in the app
- App Lock
- Export to JSON/CSV and import from JSON
- Change the app icon on your iPhone or iPad to your local currency

Feedback is always welcome. You can send your feedback by going to Settings -> Send Feedback

Follow SubManager on social media:
X @SubManagerApp

Terms of Use:
Ahnaf Mahmud