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Keep track of time around the world with ease. Add your favorite cities, scroll through hours on an interactive timeline, and plan global meetings or events effortlessly. Enjoy a clean, modern design that automatically handles daylight saving changes, so you always know the right time—anywhere on Earth!

Key Features
• Add Cities at Will – Quickly add the places you care about and view their local times side by side.
• Scroll Through Time – Use the interactive timeline to see how hours shift in each location. Perfect for effortlessly planning meetings or events.
• Clear, Intuitive Design – Crafted with a modern interface for easy navigation and readability.
• Always Up-to-Date – Automatic handling of daylight saving changes, so you never miss a beat.

Plan smarter, coordinate with ease, and take control of your schedule—worldwide. Experience time from every angle with FlutterTime!

- Scroll the ruler to advance time
- Double tap the ruler to jump to right now!

Note, every timezone is included. Search for the largest city in your timezone! And email me if you would like to have your city added directly! This is going to be fun. Even the smallest cities will be added if you request it.
DBElement, LLC